Will there ever be peace in the Middle East? In a word – no.
Well, let me clarify that answer. There will be peace in the Middle East, but only after Jesus returns. Don’t believe me, check the Bible – it’s all there.
Israel has been promised certain land by God. They are God’s chosen people. I take the Bible very literally, and when I read that they are God’s chosen people – I believe it. Working under this understanding, then the land God has given them, He has given them. It WILL be theirs’ – someday. There are no 2 ways around that.
It’s kind of comical to watch all these Arab nations complain about Israel inhabiting, “their land.” Right, the land given to you by the United Nations. We all know what a wonderful, well-run organization that is. If I were in charge the United Nations would need to change drastically, but that’s another story.
The Middle East appears on the verge of a meltdown due to hostilities STARTED BY the terrorist group Hezbollah, which receives help from both Iran and Syria. Who started the mess – Hezbollah. Let’s remember that. It would be not unlike Al Qaeda coming in to America, capturing our soldiers from say Texas, and then attempting to smuggle them through Mexico. We would not stand for it, and neither should Israel. Has Israel done some wrong things? Certainly. But they come under attack almost constantly. Why?
Because they exist. Plain and simple. They exist and are a “thorn in the side” of the other Arab nations. It’s been a struggle ever since Isaac and Ishmael. It will always be a struggle, plain and simple.
God help us if we ever turn our back on Israel. Also, we should not blindly support any wrongdoing by either side. It’s a tough issue.
I think you are confused– Israel as we know it today did not exist until the United Nations gave them the land (taking it away from the Palestininians) after World War II. The Palestininians were displaced from the land they have inhabited for thousands of years. And this is the root of the situation. They were forcably removed from their homes and land and their resistance to an unfair situation has been met with the build-up of the Israeli military and has resulted in the loss of thousands of Palestinian lives. The Palestinian resistance is just that– a resistance to the occupation and control of Israel and the hardships that the situation has caused. You do have one thing right– It is a tough issue.