
The happenings this morning in England are a reminder of the increasingly crazy world that we live in. A reminder that we can’t just sit back and assume that everything will go back to normal.

A reminder that there are people who are bent on two things: the destruction of Israel, and the destruction of the United States – plain and simple.

It is sad in a way to think that people are so desperate, confused, whatever you want to call it that they would blow themselves up on a plane to defeat the “great satan.” (America) How does someone get to that point? I don’t know.

To me it seems ever more clear that we are approaching or in what Christians call the End Times – the period of upheaval on the Earth before Jesus returns. Sometimes when I read what will happen, it seems so crazy, like some fanciful movie plot. But then I remember that this is truth (whether you agree with me or not). And as I watch events unfold in the Middle East, sometimes it does frighten me. Sometimes I wonder, “is the end soon?”, “am I ready?”, etc. etc. It has been an interesting two weeks or so for me personally.

Just know this, whether we like it or not, there will be an end someday. There will be a final judgment of mankind as much as we want to deny it sometimes. My hope is that anyone who reads this blog will be ready for that judgment day when it comes.

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