Hipster Jesus 4

Meet Hipster Jesus. Hipster Jesus has an iPhone 316, with his own personal angel to  fill in for Siri. His phone is loaded with apps only the Son of God can access. His jeans are definitely skinnier than your jeans. In fact, you probably shouldn’t even bother trying. You’re not going to win the skinny ...


It’s been a little over a month since I last posted here. So much has happened since then. In late June we attended the JCNY (Jesus Culture New York) with our good friends, the Brills. It was amazing. Well, mostly amazing. Driving a car with no AC back and forth from Lake Hiawatha, NJ to ...

Defending LeBron 1

Wow, it’s been almost a month since I last posted here. Sheesh. I’ve noticed a weird fact about myself lately that I’ve been trying to figure out. I have this strange compulsion to defend things I enjoy, particularly athletes. Other than defending Tiger Woods’ incredible golf skills (and certainly NOT his personal life choices), I ...

Dear Glennon 49

Glennon, I guess I should feel honored (maybe?) that you would “call me out” on a blog post. Since I love a good debate, I figured I’d respond here and maybe clear up my position a bit. I get that we don’t all have to agree, really I do. Would I like you to agree ...

The Suggestion Box

As a fan (and I use that term more and more loosely lately) of The Office, I remember a scene where Michael Scott had a suggestion box that was supposed to be used by the staff. This box, in theory, was to be checked by Michael to take everyone’s concerns into consideration. Thing was, he ...

A Letter to My Rock Star 2

Danielle, While you’ve been doing your “April project” (which I know has been hard for you), I’ve been doing my own project. I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I took Wednesdays this month off from FB. I know it’s been a problem in both our lives and I wanted to cut back. ...

Jesus and Tiger Woods

You might think Jesus and Tiger Woods have pretty much nothing in common. Hopefully by the end of this post you’ll see they their stories are intricately intertwined. I’ve been thinking on the topic of why Jesus came – why He did what only He could do this week. It is Good Friday and all. ...

Pornography and the Church 10

Warning: this post will be offensive to some and is probably not appropriate for younger readers. I remember the day like it was yesterday. My dear friend, John Loux, had stopped over to my house one day to chat before moving out of the area. I really didn’t think much of it. Man, was I ...

Parable of the Sower

Recently I’ve been attending (ok, only twice) a mens small group at the Vineyard Church of Wellsboro. It has been such a blessing! Our text last week was the parable of the sower, from Mark 4:7-20 “Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seed.4As he scattered it across his field, some of the seed ...

Dear Joy 3

Dear Joy, Your daddy misses you. A lot. And you wouldn’t have even been born yet. I wanted to write to you mostly to make myself feel better. I don’t know what it’s like in Heaven or how it works. I hope you have gotten a chance to meet your older brother – Enoch. I ...