I recently spent a week, yes, a WHOLE week completely off Facebook. And I learned a few things in that week’s time.
- I really missed my friends. I know it sounds like a stalker, but I enjoy keeping up with everyone (even if it’s just stalking the News Feed) and interacting with my friends.
- I didn’t miss Facebook as much as I thought I might. I know this sounds hypocritical, given that I’m back now, but it wasn’t bad. We actually spent more time together as a family. I read slightly more, and got back into Twitter, which, in some ways, I enjoy more than Facebook.
- My phone chirped a whole lot less this week. I actually caught myself once looking to the bottom right corner of my screen, having forgotten that I had deleted the Facebook app already.
- Twitter seems to be a better way to connect with “famous” people. As evidence I submit A and B.
- I put way to much stock in what other people think about me. Meaning that I allow it to control too much of my self worth. And that’s not cool. It’s something I’m working on.
There you go, 5 things I learned from my week off Facebook.