A Letter to My Rock Star 2


While you’ve been doing your “April project” (which I know has been hard for you), I’ve been doing my own project.

I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I took Wednesdays this month off from FB. I know it’s been a problem in both our lives and I wanted to cut back. Not only cut back, I wanted to help you out in different ways and just show you how much I love you.

I also realized today (04/04) that I wanted to tell you WHAT I love about you. I don’t think I’ve ever been very specific about it, and I want these notes to serve as something you can look back on whenever you need a little pick me up 🙂


I love your passion for life. I know that’s kind of vague and covers a lot of areas, but it’s true. You are an inspiration to me in that area. You are loud, opinionated, fiercely loyal, a go getter, and so much more. You don’t do anything half-heartedly. I love that about you. You stick to what you believe, and don’t let others’ opinions sway you. You are a strong woman. You are a strong mom. You are a strong photographer. You are a strong wife. You are a strong best friend.

I am incredibly blessed that God allowed me to cross paths with you. You are my true love. I really don’t know what I’d do without you (probably forget stuff all the time and have no one to help me remember 😉 )

Thank you for helping me be strong in my own beliefs, for encouraging me in my writing, and for supporting me, even when it’s tough. I know I can face anything with you in my corner.

I love your passion.


I love that you push me to be a better person. I also hate it many times, but I mostly love it 🙂 You have a challenging personality about you. Meaning anyone who spends time with you will be challenged in their way of thinking, in a good way. You have a personality that compels people to change. To take a hard look at themselves and evaluate themselves.

I love that you have made me and are making me into the man I am today. I love (hate) that you don’t accept “I don’t know”. You force me to look at why I do what I do, even when it hurts and I don’t want to.


I love that you put time into us. I love that you have planned a special getaway – just for us. I love that, even after almost 8 years of marriage, you keep things spicy, fresh and new. I love that. I love knowing that I can go on a 13 hour car ride with my best friend and have some of the best conversation ever. Seriously, who does that?

We do. I love that about you. And about us.


I love that you chose ME. I love that you still choose me, over anyone and anything else. It means the world to me. I know we’ve had some (who am I kidding – many) bumps along the way, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I love knowing that no matter what you ALWAYS have my back. Even during times when we’re not seeing eye to eye. I know that you will always support and love me. That means the world to me.

Even though making this little experiment kind of blew up in my face a bit, I just want you to know that I love you. That you are the most important person/woman in my life and will always be. I want you to feel safe and secure in my love.

2 thoughts on “A Letter to My Rock Star

  1. Reply LJ Hoose Apr 27,2012 8:10 pm

    Are you kidding me? It is soooo not nice to make me cry at work, again. Shame on you…articulate you! Blessings to both you and Dani. You make a great pair!!!

  2. Reply danielle Apr 28,2012 10:47 pm

    i love you. so much. thank you for writing this for me and for loving me.

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