The Controversy

The controversy that is The Da Vinci Code hits theaters today. I haven’t read the book yet, but I did read The Da Vinci Code Deception, which proved to be quite an interesting read. It sounds to me (from what I’ve read) that Mr. Brown needed to get his facts straight.

People say, “Oh it’s just fiction.” And I guess, that is true. However, it’s what I would call Historical Fiction. It’s fiction that deals with real historical figures. And that’s where their excuse loses a little weight for me. If you state in your book that things are fact, and then it’s proven that they aren’t – that’s a problem. If you make claims that pretty much have no base in reality about the deity of Jesus, that’s a problem for me.
People should know why they believe what they believe and should have the faith to withstand these sorts of things, but not everyone does, and not everyone is at the same maturity level in their faith. I understand that you can say what you want, and all that 1st Ammendment goodness, but I’m not so sure I would want to be in Mr. Brown’s position.

Jesus spoke pretty sternly about people who cause others to sin. Mark 9:42 – “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe (in me) to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.”

I will probably read the book and see the movie. Not to glorify its ideals, but to be able to have an intelligent conversation with people talking about it and to be able to point out the flaws contained in both.

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