Mexican Drugs

So apparently the Mexican government is going to enact a new law where the average person can have small amounts of all sorts of drugs (marijuana, cocaine, etc.) and not be arrested for any crime. That’s great. Let the whole country get drugged up and do all sorts of insane stuff. The funny thing is, supposedly the law says it’s still illegal to sell the drugs. I don’t know how everyone is supposed to get their drugs if its illegal, but that’s someone else’s problem.

We already have problems with illegal immigrants as it is without adding additional drugs to the mix. I know people say, “oh the poor illegal immigrants,” but they miss a key point – they’re here ILLEGALLY! That’s sort of like saying, “oh poor Bob the rapist,” or, “oh poor Bob the car thief.” I know it’s not exactly the same thing, but all of the above are illegal. I know that it’s hard to get in America legally and become a citizen, but that’s the way it works. That’s the way it HAS to work for society to function properly.

Companies who hire illegals should be punished, because right now it seems like everyone just looks the other way while this problem continues to grow.

The situation needs to be worked out, but I’m not exactly sure how. That’s one for the government to figure out, but hopefully a solution can be found that is beneficial to everyone involved. We can only hope.

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