Senate Convenes For 57 Seconds 1

Senator Jim Webb convened the United States Senate for a whopping 57 seconds today in order to prevent any recess appointments by President Bush.

Our tax dollars, hard at work, keeping the Senate “open” to prevent appointments. What has politics in this country come to?

And I know that Republicans do/have done the same sorts of silly things before, but this just seems a bit much to me.

One comment on “Senate Convenes For 57 Seconds

  1. Reply Mark Jan 15,2008 7:35 am

    By and large, you’re absolutely right. Gov’t’s a huge waste and none of them deserve the salaries or benefits they receive compliments of Mr. and Mrs. You and I. This case is a little different, however. I, for one, actually applaud the Senate’s decision to block any recess appointments; I believe they made the right move. The day Bobby Sturgell gets appointed as the next Failed Aviation Administration boss is the day the bubble gum and twine holding National Airspace System together snaps. Most of the credit for the system’s impending failure, of course, belongs to the previous appointee, Marion Blakey, but a continuation of Bush-style aviation admin. is a flight path to guaranteed disaster. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. 49 people died in Lexington, KY last year because of new “more like a business” FAA policies that Blakey and Sturgell (as Deputy Administrator) championed. They won’t be the last.

    Bush appoints “yes-men,” not people qualified for the respective positions.

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