The Little Things 1

It’s the little things in life, more often than the big things, that seem to cause us the most headaches. Why is that?

I was listening to Ron Hutchcraft this morning on his daily “A Word With You” program on the Family Life Network (90.3 FM for those of you in the New York/Pennsylvania area). He was talking about how it’s the little sins, the little compromises, the little “white lies” that often get us in the most trouble in the long run.

It seems like the “little” issues in our life are the things that corrode character and cause pain. Look at Pastor Ted Haggard, who was recently outed for some activity with a male prostitute as well as possible drug use. I’m sure this situation started out with little compromises, “little” sins, and then grew and grew until it finally reared its ugly head. Sin has a way of doing that somehow.

It’s also the little things in life that cause frustration. Maybe the way you don’t pick up after yourself as much as you should around the house. Maybe it’s the things that you forget to do that should come naturally to you. Maybe it’s a little annoyance you have with someone that grows and grows until you end up at the point where you can’t stand to be around them.

I know we’ve heard about it 1,000 times, but life is too important to stress about little things. Unless they are little sins. If so, take care of them before they get out of hand.

But if there are little things causing problems between you and a friend, between you and a loved one, take care of them. You’ll be glad that you did in the long run. It’s not worth it to lose a friendship or even a marriage over petty issues that can usually be solved in a single conversation.

Why do the little things in life cause us the most problems? Probably because we ignore them and let them build and fester over time until they become more than we can handle.

Don’t let your little issue have the time to grow. Deal with it today.

One comment on “The Little Things

  1. Reply Aunt Lori Nov 17,2006 3:35 pm

    Hi Jared. I stopped by your blog this afternoon and read this entry. Oh how I wish there were more little things in my life, that COULD BE handled with a single conversation over the phone. I know what you mean with that advice, but my goodness, it seems so long since my “things” have been little. 🙁

    You’ve got a good head on those charitably broad shoulders of yours, my dear. I’m so glad to have you in the family. Keep blogging, my friend. I love reading your stuff!

    Aunt Lori

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