In late December I got an alert on my Bible app that a friend had completed Day “x” of their “Read through the Bible in a year” plan. I must admit, I don’t believe in all my 37+ years I haven’t read all the way through the Bible, cover to cover. So this notification piqued ...
Pastor Mark used a phrase this past Sunday that stood out to me (so much so I typed it into my phone as fast as I could). God doesn’t use perfect people. He uses people whose hearts are perfectly towards Him. #cncministries Hashtag added by yours truly 🙂 When using my Bible app one day, ...
Oh Facebook, you always seem to like to show stuff that I find myself disagreeing with. I’m sure it has something to do with the amount time I interact with said post and the amount of comments I put forth, but that’s here nor there. The latest such post to show up in my News ...
This morning, in our Sunday Life Class (think Sunday School), we continue our series by John Bevere – Good or God. The premised of the series is that things in life might seem good, but are they really good? Do they line of with God’s definition of good? And what is God’s definition of good ...
In my last post, The Anti-Church Movement, I gave some observations on what I perceive to be an “Anti-Church” movement within the Church. I won’t go into all the details here – you can read them in the other post. Prompted by a comment (thanks, David!) I’m writing this post in hopes to come propose some ...
I’ve noticed a trend lately. Mostly from postings and blogs I’ve seen shared on social media. Gotta love social media. I don’t have a better term for this phenomenon, so I’m titling it The Anti-Church Movment, or ACM. Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t some secular movement. No. It’s an internal movement within the Church ...
So, if you listen to Top 40 radio, chance are you’ve heard Mackelmore’s newest song – The Same Love. It’s a lyrically interesting song, for sure. And Mac, if I may refer to him as such, makes some good points. We’re all God’s children Stereotypes are bad Preaching hate, especially from the pulpit, is always ...
Recently Danielle sent me an article from Rage Against the Minivan regarding the issue of marriage equality and Christianity. I, of course, read the article and couldn’t wait to post some thoughts. The author’s main beef is that they perceive Christians as trying to push their religious beliefs on others / use their religious beliefs to ...
I recently was sent an article to read, and I couldn’t help but think I’d seen the same sort of logic over and over again recently. “This person wants to have their cake and eat it too.” Unfortunately, it wasn’t actual cake. It was spiritual cake. Let me explain. During the article the author said ...
I have a new 4-letter word to add to the list of words that drive me bonkers – Hate. I know, pretty radical word, isn’t it? Let me explain. Let’s take a little trip back in time, you know, to save the future and all. During the run up to the 2008 Presidential election, it ...