Dear Glennon 49

Glennon, I guess I should feel honored (maybe?) that you would “call me out” on a blog post. Since I love a good debate, I figured I’d respond here and maybe clear up my position a bit. I get that we don’t all have to agree, really I do. Would I like you to agree ...

The Suggestion Box

As a fan (and I use that term more and more loosely lately) of The Office, I remember a scene where Michael Scott had a suggestion box that was supposed to be used by the staff. This box, in theory, was to be checked by Michael to take everyone’s concerns into consideration. Thing was, he ...

Facebook Explanation

I know I don’t really owe anyone an explanation as to why we’re back on Facebook, but I thought I’d post a blog about it, instead of having to answer the question over and over again 🙂 As many of our friends know we’ve gone on 2 Facebook “breaks” recently.  Mostly due to issues mentioned ...

Angry Elf 2

Ephesians 4:26-27 26 “In your anger do not sin”[d]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. I have dealt with a lot of anger recently, and since writing appears to be therapeutic for me, I figured I’d get some of it ...

Can We Handle the Truth?

First, let’s start out with the classic scene from A Few Good Men.     I LOVE that line. So, this past weekend, I’ve found myself the “victim” of the Facebook block on 2 separate occasions. I figured I would share the circumstances and some observations. Block #1 Oh, Facebook Ticker, I love you and ...

5 Things I Learned from My Week off Facebook

I recently spent a week, yes, a WHOLE week completely off Facebook. And I learned a few things in that week’s time. I really missed my friends. I know it sounds like a stalker, but I enjoy keeping up with everyone (even if it’s just stalking the News Feed) and interacting with my friends. I ...

Church of the New Covenant Sermons 2

Speaking of my church, I also wrote a Facebook App for them to play our most recent sermons. Check it out at

Erin Murray Music

An old friend of mine, Erin Murray, is an amazing singer. Erin is the daughter of one of our former pastor’s. I was playing around writing a Facebook App to play the most recent sermons from our church, and figured she needed an app for her music, which was on MySpace, but not Facebook. Check ...

Writing a Facebook App 1

A while ago, I wrote a Facebook App called “Simple Friends” that would display a list of your friends, where you could click their name to view their profile. It was simple enough, but I recently wanted to create a somewhat more sophisticated app. I won’t bother going through the whole process, because there are ...