Today is the Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday 1

After recent trip to the Dumpling House, my favorite Chinese restaurant, I opened a fortune cookie with the following saying…

Today is the Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday

I thought this was a simple but profound statement. Over the last few months I’ve dealt with a lot of worry, anxiety, etc. – mostly over things I can’t control. It’s been quite frustrating, to say the least, especially when you know that there is no reason to worry about those things. It gets even more frustrating when you read things like, “cast your cares on the Lord, for HE cares for you.”
Or, “do not worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” I could go on and on.

My anxiety has gotten much MUCH better lately, and I thank God for that. I think it’s probably due to a combination of things, but it’s almost kind of strange to not have a perpetual feeling of worry/anxiety, as bizarre as that might sound.

Anyway, sometimes we waste so much energy TODAY worrying about what we can’t control that’s just around the bend TOMORROW, and 9 times out of 10, when TOMORROW rolls around, it’s not nearly as bad as we thought it would be.

Hopefully this helps someone out there who stumbles on this post.

One comment on “Today is the Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday

  1. Reply danielle Dec 17,2008 12:43 pm

    Well said love of my life.

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