The Patience of Moses

You often hear the phrase “the wisdom of Solomon”, but tonight as I was doing my Read through the Bible in a Year plan, it struck me how (for the most part) Moses was an incredibly patient person. Yes, Moses acted rashly when he murdered the Egyptian that was mistreating a Hebrew slave. Also, the ...

Biden vs. Trump

So, if you didn’t know, the other day Joe Biden said They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said ‘no.’ I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.’ You know, Joe could have just answered in a ...

The Great Divorce

Last night I started The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. I’m a big Lewis fan. I’ve read all the Narnia books, although that was a while ago now. I’ve also read Mere Christianity and the Screwtape Letters. I have this issue, you see. I have grand intentions of reading lots of books (and I have ...

Mueller Over-Under

I made a comment at work today regarding an over-under as to when President Trump fires Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It’s really sad to see the craziness that’s going on in the political realm, especially lately. With that said, I’m going with 2 months as the under for the President to somehow make sure Mueller ...

The Business of Honor

Recently (as in yesterday) I finished the book The Business of Honor by Bob Hasson and Danny Silk. I won’t go into the nitty gritty of the book, but it deals very much with our relationships and how we approach things at our place of business, but it really could be applied, in many instances, ...

The Macbook Lives!

Late last year my (better yet let’s say Danielle’s) Macbook Pro bit the dust with some weird display issues. We figured it was a goner, and Danielle needs a machine for her photography business, so she ended up with a shiny new Macbook Pro (it’s fancy). I didn’t put much thought into it until my ...

Your Favorite Doctor 2

So, fellow Doctor Who fans, the question is simple. Who is your favorite Doctor? I never really liked Eccleston, but I loved Tennant and Matt Smith. I had a hard time with Peter Capaldi at first, but I grew to really enjoy him as well. In a way, the current Doctor is always my favorite ...

Release the Memo?

Mostly posting this for posterity today. Apparently there is a memo running around that sheds some light into the FBI working with the Obama administration that portrays their dealing in quite a negative and “shocking” light. If true, that could be a VERY big deal, or it might be nothing at all. Hard to know ...

Perfectly Imperfect People

Pastor Mark used a phrase this past Sunday that stood out to me (so much so I typed it into my phone as fast as I could). God doesn’t use perfect people. He uses people whose hearts are perfectly towards Him. #cncministries Hashtag added by yours truly 🙂 When using my Bible app one day, ...